Monitor Forum Round-Up



On the 20th of March 2013 CAP held its second Monitor Forum, inviting OEM Captive customers to discuss the current Monitor product and their hopes for future development.


Turn out for the event was excellent, with most of the Captives being represented.  The goal of the forum was to give our customers the opportunity to be fully open about our Monitor products, with the following key topics discussed:

·         Maintaining the accuracy of Monitor

·         How our forecasting process works

·         How we can be more transparent with our forecasts

·         Delivering Monitor on a ‘live’ basis

·         Current and future product development

The feedback received has been very useful and we would again like to thank all attendees for taking the time to join us on the day.


From a CAP perspective, the forums have provided an excellent method of obtaining detailed product feedback and we will be looking to continue these forums across a range of products and sectors.


For more information on future CAP events email