CAP Green Book provides comprehensive used valuation data for the two-wheel market. Green Book data provides representative and latest available used market values for two wheelers, to enable a more profitable purchase and disposal decision.
CAP Green Book effectively caters for all market sectors and is established as the benchmark within the finance and insurance sectors
Where do we get our data?
- Analysis of recent disposals data through numerous sources across the UK
- Vast amount of raw data from all sectors of the motorcycles
- The data is gathered and coupled with market expertise to ensure a realistic and true reflection of the current market
What does it include?
Indexed by manufacturer, model and derivative, CAP Green Book data is concisely laid out to provide a clear used value, with adjustments for two trade conditions CAP Clean and Average.
Green Book contains:
- Suggested retail price
- Insurance groups
- Monthly new vehicle prices
- Monthly editorial and market commentary
- Model identification data