CAP Black Book is used as the industry benchmark for used car disposal values and provides comprehensive used car valuation data for the majority of cars on the market. Black Book data provides representative and latest used car market values to enable profitable purchase and disposal decisions. CAP Black Book is designed to reflect actual values, rather than a negotiating tool.
Where do we get our data?
- Analysis of recent disposals data through numerous sources across the UK
- Vast amount of raw data
- Around 1.5 million transactions per year from all sectors of the motor industry
What does it include?
Indexed by manufacturer, model and derivative, CAP Black Book data is concisely laid out to provide a clear used value, with adjustments for three trade conditions CAP Clean, Average and Below Average.
Black Book contains:
- Suggested retail price
- Mileage variations
- Allowances for plate changes within each year
- Financial premium for non-standard factory fittings
- Listings which provide valuations for Specific Editions
- Insurance Groups
- Older car guide of used values dating back up to 15 years
- Monthly editorial and market commentary
- Extracts from CAP's daily reports
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