Ever driven a Beaver Tail with a Cheese-Wedge? Or fitted a Wet Kit with a Suzi?
News - July 2014
Changes to the supply of our SMR data
Earlier this year CAP acquired Derwent Management Services, the number one business in the supply of SMR data, to strengthen the quality and breadth of our data and services to fleets and manufacturers.
Record Breaking Data
We're breaking records left, right and centre.
Fords of Winsford win World Cup Prize Draw
Congratulations to Dan Wilding from Fords of Winsford, Cheshire, who is the lucky winner of CAP’s 2014 World Cup prize draw.
Euro 6 truck particulate traps
Remember the good-old days of cam-belt failures? Following their introduction into the car and light commercial vehicle markets they were not initially a routine replacement service item.